Expedition Projects

Specialised in building expedition vehicles for cinema and scientific missions.

ship on ice land
ship on ice land
Cinema Productions Support

Rigs for complex production environments with advanced tech elements.

multicolored direction signage beside black shed
multicolored direction signage beside black shed
Scientific Community Rigs

Tech-advanced vehicles for scientific missions with customised features.

a boat floating on top of a body of water under a cloudy sky
a boat floating on top of a body of water under a cloudy sky
Mission Adapted Vehicles

Personalised rigs to fit specific expedition mission requirements.

Production Environments

Customised vehicles for challenging production environments with specialised features.

Science vehicles - custom built

Scientific teams often encounter challenges in connecting various experiments, which may involve energy-intensive devices such as radars, lidars, particle analyzers, X-ray and microwave detectors, telescopes, and computers. We develop systems that combine multiple energy sources, including fully renewable options, enabling these devices to operate automatically. Additionally, we design and build civil drone platforms, meteorological balloon launchers, cranes, and any other equipment required to support your scientific endeavors.

red SUV facing mountain
red SUV facing mountain

Expedition Vehicles built us a custom rig for our scientific research expedition. It was equipped with all the necessary tech and performed flawlessly in the field.

Research Team

grayscale photography of biplane
grayscale photography of biplane
